Report of five free-living nematodes from East Azarbaijan province- Iran, with description of males of Discolaimoides symmetricus and first molecular study on the genus Latocephalus (Dorylaimida)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, , Tabriz,, Iran

2 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran


To identify the nematode fauna in Roodghat area, Sufiyan, East Azarbaijan province- Iran, several soil samples were collected from the rhizosphere of different vegetations, during 2016 and 2017. The extraction, killing, and fixing of the nematodes were carried out using the common nematology techniques and the nematodes studied based on morphological and morphometric characters. As the result, 38 species belonging to 26 genera and 13 families were identified from which five species Latocephalus smithi, Doryllium zeelandicum, Crassolabium pumilum, Discolaimoides symmetricus and Mesodorylaimus vulvapapillatus according to the available literature, are new reports for Iran's nematode fauna. Furthermore, presence of males for Discolaimoides symmetricus, being characterized by having 11-13 ventromedian supplements, a hiatus, dorylamoid spicules 30-33 μm long, and tail conical with rounded terminus, ventrally straight and dorsally convex, similar to that of females is also described for the first time. A molecular phylogenetic study was performed on the recovered species of the genus Latocephalus using the D2-D3 expansion segments of the 28S rRNA. Sequences of some species of the genera Discolaimoides, Discolaimus, Discolaimium and Carcharodiscus and the newly generated sequence for Latocephalus smithi in this study were used for reconstruction of a phylogenetic tree. The results showed that the sequences of the species from the five aforementioned genera form a clade with maximal posterior probability.
