A review of studies carried out on plant-parasitic nematodes infecting legumes and oilseed crops in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Lorestan University Lorestan, Iran

2 Department of Plant Protection, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

3 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Yasouj, Yasouj, Iran


Plant-parasitic nematodes cause economic damage to most agricultural crops including legumes and oilseed crops. In the present review, published data in Iran dealing with the importance of plant-parasitic nematodes on various legumes i.e. bean, broad bean, chickpea, lentil, mung bean, and oilseeds such as rapeseed and soybean are discussed. Generally, four categories of the studies were analyzed in this review: i) the population density of the plant-parasitic nematodes without considering the damage thresholds; ii) data on the evidences of the nematode impact e.g. observation of infection symptoms ‎or evaluation of the host response in a pathogenicity test; iii) evaluation the importance of plant-parasitic nematodes indirectly by implementing certain management measures and iv) resistance reaction screening in legume and oilseed cultivars. The plant-parasitic nematodes reported from bean (39 species), broad bean (30 species), chickpea (45 species), lentil (33 species), mung bean (3 species), rapeseed (67 species) and soybean (32 species) in Iran until 2020 are also catalogued. The world's most important plant parasitic nematodes on legumes and oilseed crops and their distribution are introduced, and the possible threats of the world's important plant nematodes for the country's legumes and oilseed discussed.
